Share Buyback Policy


The Board of Directors of Alarko Holding have adopted the following resolutions in its
meeting dated March 18, 2022:

Initiating a share buyback program to protect all shareholder’s rights, minority shareholders
in particular, and contribute during the formation of price considering ongoing macro
developments in the global economy.

A share buy-back shall be initiated pursuant to the Capital Markets Board's Communiqué on Share Buy-Back No. II-22.1 and the related announcements dated July 21, 2016 and July 25, 2016

- Total maximum funds allocated for share buyback transactions shall be determined
as TL 180,000,000

- It Is determined to repurchase up to TL 8,700,000 nominally valued shares

- The share buyback shall be put on the agenda of the first following general assembly meeting, and shall be presented to the information and approval of the shareholders at the
general assembly.